Cell Phone Policy
VUSD Education Code and Board Policy related to Cell Phone/Use of Communication Devices
The safety and well-being of our students and staff is a priority. Our goal is for all students to achieve high academic standards within a safe learning environment. Because of recent events including increased number of student discipline incidents, physical altercations, disruption in the classrooms and major technological violations, we think it is important to remind parents and students about our policies to ensure a safe learning environment, and we ask that you review them with your children: Please see attached board policies.
The Visalia Unified School District and La Joya has also provided for student safety with the Student Reporting System in PowerSchool and classroom civility talks that take place at the beginning of each semester. We will continue to evaluate and update our programs so that all students can enjoy a safe, positive school experience. Our goal is to provide an educational program that honors diversity and academics and focuses on the needs of students.