Student Support Services
At La Joya we strive to provide the best educational experience to all our students. In doing so, we have established a school wide Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support (PBIS) model, aimed at improving student academic and behavior outcomes. This is done by ensuring all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral practices and interventions. Our response to student needs occurs along a continuum. Beginning with universal school-wide preventative strategies and first best instruction practices to targeted/intensive interventions and supports.
As students identify the need for more targeted/intensive interventions and supports, we provide the following supportive services:
Behavioral Support:
Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)
- Students assigned to CICO will be required to check-in with assigned staff member at the beginning and end of each school day.
Students have clearly defined expectations/goals, daily prompts from a positive adult, daily prompts teach class/activity, daily feedback from teachers and parents, daily progress reports, increased opportunities for learning and reinforcement, and additional support available on a daily and as needed basis.
CICO focused on the following:
- improving student accountability,
- increasing structure,
- providing feedback and adult support on a daily basis,
- improving and establishing daily home/school communication and collaboration,
- improving student organization, motivation,
- helping students to self monitor and correct,
- internalizing success and accomplishment of goals.
Ideal for students who:
- Fail to respond to other interventions and general class management techniques and interventions,
- Complete little to no class work or homework,
- Are not participating, being involved, or taking part in the learning process,
- Have emotional issues, like anxiety, frustration, etc,
- Have attention, focus, and impulsivity issues,
- Have very poor organization skills,
- Are exhibiting behavioral problems.
Self Monitoring
- Student Self Monitoring requires students to check-in with assigned staff member at the beginning and end of each school day.
- Students have clearly defined expectations/goals, which they will be responsible to monitor themselves.
Additional support is available on a daily and as needed basis.
Self Monitoring focuses on the following:
- Promoting independent and responsible behaviors,
- Promoting independence and self esteem,
- Increasing coping ability,
- Improving on task behaviors,
- Increasing productivity,
- Improving self awareness and reflection.
Ideal for students who exhibit the following:
- poor attention, focus, and impulse control
- disorganized, scattered, etc,
- trouble being prepared,
- forgetting materials, homework, etc,
- overly talkative or social,
- exhibit chronic or compulsive behaviors, like tapping, making sounds, etc,
- demonstrate other off task behaviors or difficulties attending.
Student Support Groups
Student support groups is a program designed to equip students with specific skills in designated areas. This program serves students who are in need of additional targeted support in various social and academic areas. Student support groups will be scheduled on a rotation (approximately 6-8 weeks) and will be facilitated once a week.
Program Goal:
To provide differentiated and individualized support for students who are in need of emotional, behavioral, and academic skills. Goals include equipping students with specific skills that they can apply and practice in their everyday interactions so as to minimize concerning behaviors or emotional distress.
This group is designed to support students in learning and practicing coping strategies that will help them with feelings of apprehension, nervousness, and irritability.
Respect & Integrity:
This group is designed to support students who struggle with respecting authority figures and who exhibit defiant behaviors. In this group, students will focus on practicing positive social interactions with peers and adults.
This group is designed to support students academically by providing them with the skills to create positive study habits as well as positive work ethic. The goal is that these positive habits will enable the student to improve and excel their academic achievements within the classroom.
This group is designed to equip students with the skills needed to positively socialize with peers and adults. Students will learn and apply skills that will improve their ability to be polite and attentive; the goal is that these skills will improve their interactions with peers and assist with making positive impressions on the adults in their lives.
Academic Support
After School Intervention (ASI):
ASI is a positive academic intervention serving 7th and 8th grade La Joya Middle School students whose academic performance and ability to succeed in the mainstream academic environment are being compromised by choices, behavior, and attendance.
This program serves students who fail multiple core classes at grading periods, assigned by the Assistant Principal. The program is designed to provide each student individual and targeted support in approaching learning success, as well as promote awareness and require active participation in learning essential standards and pass core classes with a score of 2.3 and higher. This program occurs after school.
Academic Lunch Lab (ALL):
ALL is a positive academic intervention serving 7th and 8th grade La Joya Middle School students whose academic performance and ability to succeed in the mainstream academic environment are being compromised by choices, behavior, and attendance.
This program serves students who fail multiple core classes at grading periods, assigned by the Assistant Principal. The program is designed to provide each student individual and targeted support in approaching learning success, as well as promote awareness and require active participation in learning essential standards and pass core classes with a score of 2.3 and higher. This program occurs during lunch.
Outside Services
Referral made to outside agency
Turning Point:
Turning Point offers state-of-the-art substance abuse treatment and prevention for the whole family, and for the whole person. The recovery program helps the person and their family members follow their own path of healing – emotionally and spiritually. The Turning Point Youth Services program meets the rigorous standards for State and Drug Medi-Cal certification. These drug abuse prevention and counseling services are provided under contract with the Tulare County Health & Human Service Agency, Prevention Services Division.
Visalia Youth Services (VYS):
The program provides a wide range of mental health services to children, youth and their families at the clinic, at school sites, and in the community. These services include diagnostic assessments, case management, individual and family counseling, group counseling, mental health rehabilitation services, medication support services, crisis intervention, therapeutic behavioral services, referrals to community resources, and consultation with school personnel. Staff members include psychiatrists, LVN/LPTs, psychologists, mental health professionals and paraprofessionals.
Parenting Network:
Parenting network helps to improve the life of all families including those with special needs by providing support and empowerment through the centralized delivery of social, educational, health, advocacy, and other support services while respecting beliefs, values, customs, and cultures.
Parenting network offers the following programs and services:
- Parenting classes
- Support groups
- Parent to parent support for families of students with disabilities
- Mental health services
- Food pantry
- Clothes closet
- and more...
Family Services:
Family Services builds safety in homes, in relationships and for children through informed and compassionate care that helps people heal from trauma. They help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, child abuse, homelessness and other traumas by providing shelter and comprehensive support services.