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Student Awards

Honor Roll/Academic Awards Night

The Honor Roll is a means of giving recognition to students who have achieved excellence in academic achievement. All core classes, as well as Physical Education and elective courses count towards a student's GPA, as do remedial or ELD courses that replace core. Aide, tutor, or intervention courses such as a Math Lab, Reading Intervention, or Study Table, do not count. To be eligible for Honor Roll, a student's GPA must meet the following criteria: Honor Roll 3.3-3.69, High Honors 3.7-3.99, and Principal's List 4.0. Students are awarded this recognition at an evening awards ceremony in late January to early February following the posting of 1st semester marks.

Perfect Attendance Award/Explorer Attendance Award

The importance of perfect attendance cannot be stressed enough at La Joya Middle School. Every 8th grade student with perfect attendance for two entire school years will receive the Explorer Attendance Award recognizing this outstanding accomplishment. 7th grade students and 8th grade students with one year of perfect attendance will receive a certificate. This recognition is awarded at the End of the Year assembly.

Athletic Award Ceremonies

At the end of each sport’s season, an evening will be held to recognize individual and team achievements in inter-scholastic sports.

Banner Awards

Winners of the following awards are recognized on a banner in our gym.

“Apollo” Award

This award is presented to two 7th grade boys and two 7th grade girls who have achieved outstanding academic achievement, demonstrated excellent character, and are very involved in extra-curricular activities.

Character Counts Award

This award is presented to two 8th grade boys and girls at the End of the Year awards assembly.  The award selects a student who has demonstrated exemplary character over two years and who personifies the qualities of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Citizenship Award - Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)

This award is presented at the End of the Year Assembly to one student. This award is for good citizenship. The requirements are honor, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism.

“Endeavour” Scholar of the Year

This award is presented to one 8th grade boy and girl and one 7th grade boy and girl who have achieved the highest academic marks.  This is the highest academic honor that is awarded to students.

“Explorer” Athlete of the Year

Along with academics, our athletes and teams are focused on a common goal: “Excellence in Athletics.”  One 8th grade boy and girl student athlete will be recognized as “Explorer Athlete of the Year”.  The recipients of this award must demonstrate excellence in athletics, be leaders among their peers, display good citizenship, and always strive to be the best they can be.  Students also must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in order to be considered for this honor.  La Joya’s Athletic Director and coaching staff will make the final selection.

“Hope of America” Award – Kiwanis Club

This award is presented at the End of the Year Assembly.  It is a prestigious award presented by the Kiwanis Club of Sequoia-Visalia which will highlight and recognize two 8th grade students who are of good citizenship and good character.  They are young people who are on their way to becoming solid citizens and leaders in our community.

“Pathfinder” Award

This award is presented to one 8th grader boy and one girl who have demonstrated the most growth academically.  This award may also recognize improved behavior and citizenship over the two years at La Joya Middle School.

Principal’s Award

The Principal’s Award represents the highest honor a La Joya student can attain. The student must be outstanding in all aspects of student life; citizenship, attendance, academics, and leadership. Two 8th grade boys and girls will be selected to receive this prestigious award. This award will be presented at the promotion ceremony in June.

Student Achievement Awards

At the end of the year, all teachers will select students who have exhibited outstanding effort and achievement in specific areas of study. These students are recognized by their teachers at the annual End of the Year Assembly.